Unilock Brussels inset, Il Campo banding and Limestone Cobble Curb.

The bright Ledgestone accents the brick and planting material nicely.

A new sitting area has been installed with this renovated front entry. The seat walls provide a place for annual color.

The trellis and curbed planting bed is centered on the entry of the seat walls.

Prior to construction, the entry’s concrete walk was too close to the house and did not feel comfortable and inviting.

Montrose White Calamint exploding with flowers in late Summer.

The bright foliage of the Spirea attracts your eye and makes for a welcoming sitting area.

The Conceptual Design focused on creating a sitting area that felt separate from the sidewalk space. It also refocused the walk towards the newly proposed trellis.

The new walkway is pulled away from the front corner of the house to add visual interest to guests on their way to the front door.

Tall ornamental grasses hid the brick veneer and were out of scale to the rest of the plants.

Clematis during its second season with annual pots.

A custom cedar trellis was installed to create a focal point near the front door.

Limestone Cobbles were installed adjacent to the Unilock Il Campo Banding for an added detail. The Palace Purple Coralbells contrast nicely with the stone and concrete pavers.

Montrose White Calamint planted in front of Unilock Olde Quarry Wallstone, Il Campo Banding and Ledgestone cap. Under cap lighting installed as well.

The sitting area is located far enough away from front entrance so that normal foot traffic does not have to avoid the furniture.

Construction has begun and the walls are starting to take shape.

The new walk system flows seamlessly with the architecture of the house and the brick banding blends nicely with the existing brick veneer.